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Help Your Team Acquire the Skills They Need

Help Your Team Acquire the Skills They Need

ABS Quality Evaluations is a Licensed Training
Provider (LTP) for Certified CMMC Assessor
and Certified CMMC Professional training.
We offer focused, streamlined training in
the fundamentals of Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification.

Contact Us for Training


CMMC Certified Training

ABS Quality Evaluations (ABS QE), certified by the Cybersecurity Assessor and Instructor Certification Organization (CAICO), can conduct training sessions for individuals as well as small and large organizations. Our Certified CMMC Professional (CCP) and Certified CMMC Assessors (CCA) courses can provide your staff with an understanding of CMMC requirements, help control implementation and afford assistance for preparing and conducting assessments, both internal and external.

Train Your Team Today

Who Should Attend CMMC Training

CCP Training
  • Employees of organizations that require CMMC compliance and want to provide consultancy and self assessments to Level 1
  • Individuals or organizations that want to offer CMMC implementation and assessment preparation services
  • Individuals seeking to become a Certified CMMC Professional
CCA Training
  • Employees of organizations requiring CMMC Level 2 consultancy and self-assessments
  • Individuals or organizations that want to offer CMMC implementation and assessment preparation services
  • Individuals seeking to become a Certified CMMC Assessor

Why ABS Quality Evaluations?

We're a global leader in Certified Performance.

ABS QE is a Certified Third-Party Assessor Organization (C3PAO) authorized by the Cyber Accreditation Body (Cyber AB) and a licensed training provider (LTP) certified by the Cybersecurity Assessor and Instructor Certification Organization (CAICO) to provide CMMC assessment services and training.

Our cybersecurity services include CMMC training, self-assessments, readiness reviews, gap assessments, Joint Surveillance Voluntary Assessment Program (JSVAP) assistance and certifications for ISO/IEC 20000, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27002, ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/IEC 27018 and ISO/IEC 27701, among others.

C3PAO & LTP Certification

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Should we just complete Level 1 certification because it is easier?


Why do we need a third party if we can conduct a self-assessment internally?


We already have good cybersecurity systems in place; why do we need an assessment?


Why do I need to start my CMMC assessment now - don't we have a few years to comply?


What is a CMMC Gap Assessment and what steps are included?


What is a CMMC Readiness Review and what areas are assessed?


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